Nick Roehl
Mayoral Candidate
Give us a brief account of yourself and your qualifications to hold office.
I'm Nick Roehl and live on Pioneer Trail in Greenfield. I’m a Wayzata graduate and attended technical and post-secondary schooling from the Minnesota State system of schools. I was trained in automotive technology and own and manage Honest Auto Inc. in Plymouth where I deal with customer service every day. I've been involved with Northwest Trails Association for over 20 years, served nearly 4 years on the Plymouth City Council, and 2 years on the Greenfield City Council. I have built many relationships with county commissioners, appointees to the Met Council, other mayors, state reps and state senators, congressmen, but most importantly with many people of western Hennepin County and Greenfield.
Why have you chosen to run for office?
I am running for Mayor because our current Mayor decided to not run, and I feel I am best equipped to help move Greenfield forward over the next 4-10 years. My experience in 2 very different cities on their council’s is very unique, and one not many people get to have. It gave me the opportunity to see different ways of doing things. Working in a city that has been through all the growing pains Greenfield is and will be going through is extremely valuable. I have worked with a wide variety of people both in government and privately and have built lasting relationships in both that will be an asset to Greenfield. Managing a small business that is customer service oriented has given me insight on how to better make our city resident oriented.
What do you feel are the chief issues that will face our residents during your term in office?
Greenfield residents are likely to encounter typical growing pains as Greenfield continues to grow. There will be wants, there will be some needs, and the residents will want to see more for their taxes, without them outpacing inflation. Our rural lifestyle is what residents value the most, and residents can help shape how we maintain that lifestyle through an increased focus on planning. I will make future planning a stronger priority than it currently is and engage you more in helping the city plan ahead.
What are your goals if you are elected?
I am asking to be your mayor. My experience in 2 very different cities on their Councils' is very unique and gave me the opportunity to see different ways of doing things. Working in a city that has been through all the growing pains Greenfield is and will be going through is very valuable. Managing a small business that is customer service oriented has given me insight on how to better make our city customer oriented. I like to set realistic goals. I do not plan on overhauling the city. Small changes can make big differences. From how we work together as a council, as well as council working with staff, to developing policies, practices and procedures for common occurrences in city government, I believe these small and incremental improvements will yield large dividends in the years to come. If we are not improving, we are falling behind. I will conduct meetings with integrity and transparency. As Mayor I will make the process for residents and others to engage with the council and city easier.
What, if anything, would you change if elected?
I'm not sure my plans are to change things, rather improve them. The most important thing I can do is listen. I listen now and will continue to do so as Mayor. I won't promise things I cannot deliver. What I do promise is that I will bring the same passion and drive I have for all the important things in my life, to my position as Mayor. I want to make our city function better as a team, with the key players being residents, the city council, and staff.
What, if any, email should we use for community members to reach out to you with questions?